Hello Readers,
over the last three months I have bored you with stories about weird & speedy cars I saw on ‘Beijing Tuning Street‘. Many readers living in Beijing, and further away, asked me what and where this street was all about. I hope I answered all of you, but just to make sure hereby a full explanation of things:
The Beijing Tuning Street is a cluster of about 50 car customizing companies cluttered together in a designated zone measuring about one block, just outside the Fourth Ring Road in east Beijing. Business started in 2010 and still more companies are opening shop, indicating the street is a success. As usually in China, they use a number of different English names.
The Chinese name is Ku Che Xiaozhen (酷车小镇), best translated as Cool Cars Village. However, the most commonly used English name is ‘Tuner Tribe’. Other English names frequently used are ‘Beijing Tuning Street’ and ‘Beijing Tuning Village’.
I use ‘street’ because it the area looks like a street. There is a lot to see and do and you need at least two hours to walk around the whole area. If you want to visit each shop you can easily spend the whole afternoon. Cars, cars, and more cars!
The address:
酷车小镇 / Tuner Tribe
北京市朝阳区金蝉西路甲1号 / No. 1 A Jinchan West Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing City.
Website of the managing company in Chinese and English. Tel no.: 010-67201113.
Maps: Mapbar (CN), Google (@B), Bing.
Have fun, and let me know whether it was good…