Today in China Car Girls a very pretty Chinese girl getting very sweet with a small black Smart. The girl wears a green-white tank top, sunglasses, blue daisy dukes, white shoes, a Pink bag, and not much more. Her hair is dyed a kinda red brown, from dark brown. Click on Pics for Bigs™. Not very NSFW.
White shoes got a blue front end. No socks. The Smart brand is imported into China to compete with nothing. After many years the brand is finally gaining some popularity, mostly because of the ever expanding never ending traffic jams, not because cool. Mercedes-Benz is aware of that an tries pretty hard to make the Smart more sassy for sassy people with hype-hype specials like the Jeremy Scott Edition, the New Year Edition, and the Dragon Edition.
Note Pink bag. The special editions didn’t really help to make Smart more cool. Some people however don’t need no special editions, the just know that Smart is cool, and they make it even cooler still: body kit, shiny green, ForSpeed, super wide, pink, Hello Kitty, and Bling.
The girl and the Smart live in Beijing. The girl is 25 years old and works as a fashion editor for a fashion magazine. She bought the Smart one year ago because it is so easy to move around through heavy traffic. She nicknamed the vehicle “Little Guy”. She got the car for 120.000 yuan after bargaining hard. Price of the Smart starts at 128.900 yuan. She thinks 120.000 is still a lot of money for a car with only two seats, but she says the Smart’s character is worth the extra cash.She is aware and proud of the Mercedes-Benz DNA inside the Smart brand.
Bargained it down from 128.900 to 120.000. How did she do that..?
Bag is gone, glasses are off. Wild times ahead.
Yes, there we are in the back, which seems to be a favorite place for Chinese girls to sit in. All our recent babes had themselves snapped in there. Worryingly however, the Pink bag is back.
Designed for groceries and wet dogs. Works for girl as well. Blue nails are apparently fashionable again.
Shoes are off.
In the drivers seat. Let’s ride this Little Guy.
“My boyfriend’s p***s is this big!”