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GM to add over 20 new, upgraded models in China

By Reuters. General Motors Co is expanding the range of cars it sells in China, a step that could help build on its position...

Volkswagen in talks to develop new ‘local’ car in China

Volkswagen AG, the second-largest foreign automaker in China, is in talks with its local partners to develop a new car, specifically for Chinese consumers....

French MP blames China in Renault espionage case

FRANCE has ordered its intelligence services to investigate claims that Renault has fallen victim to industrial espionage on behalf of China. The inquiry...

Spotted in China: Hongqi CA7200E3L

The FAW-Hongqi CA7200E3L is based on the Audi 100 and was powered by a Nissan 2.0 V6. The CA7200E3-series were made from 1998 until...

Renault Latitude to Come to China

A car that loox so boring I rather use a pic of its interior. The Renault Latitude will debut in China on the Guangzhou...

Extreme Tuning from China: Infinity FX45

A man from the southern city of Guangzhou didn't think his new Infinity FX45 was special enough. So he modified it, a little. The...

Dongfeng-Liuzhou working on Hybrid SUV

Dongfeng Liuzhou Motor Company is a subsidiary  of the Dongfeng Motor Corporation. It produces the Joyear, Fengxing MPV's, trucks and will soon debut an...

Ford to launch Edge in China

Ford will start importing the Edge suv into China in the fourth quarter. Sure they might sell some but since it will be expensive...

Geely-Emgrand EC8 is OUT

The Geely-Emgrand EC8 will hit la market in October, the Emgrand EC8 is Geely's first step in unknown luxury territory, it will compete with...

June Top Ten Car Sales in China by Brand; Shanghai Volkswagen Wins

The Chinese Association of Automobile Manufacturers reported the top ten car sales by brand for June 2010, again on the top spot: 1. Shanghai-Volkswagen:...