The Jeep Grand Cherokee Black Edition has been launched on the Chinese auto market, priced at 1.19 million yuan or 190.000 USD. Special thingies on the Black Edition: it is black, black and black. Special piano-black paint all over the vehicle, even the Jeep-logo on the bonnet has been blacked.
Grille is black, exhaust pipes are black and the special 5-spoke alloys are black with some alu. Brilliant looking vehicle that might convince a few buyers not to but a Benz G. Power! 6.4 liter V8 with 468hp and 624nm. The Black Edition is basically unlimited and costs exactly the same as the regular SRT8, which makes it a good deal but a less special car.
Via: Autohome.
Isn’t it a Jeep Grand Cherokee?? As you mentioned in the article, the JEEP logo has also been blackened.
check!, thanks.
Very nice car, would you please email me the the photos.