Hey Millennial! Yes You! Do You Want To Know How Super Duper Cool And Super Duper Different And Super Duper Rebellious Lynk & Co Is? Follow Me!

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Super Duper Cool

Hello millennial. Come here. I am with Lynk & Co. We are the new kid on the block you know. We are so different and cool and rebellious. Shall I show you our booth? Ha! Yes, my t-shirt. It says What Rules? See my colleague? Her t-shirt says So rong It’s wright. Isn’t that cool? Okay, let’s go.

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Here you can swing. Swinging is cool. Millennials like you like swinging. Know what I mean..? Hihihi. There are many swing clubs now. Just don’t tell the gov’! What Rules? We are rebellious. So different.

Here you can have a free makeup and hairdo, because millennial men aren’t afraid to show their soft side. Are you? No? So rong!

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Yes millennial, that’s you! Really! That’s you there in that picture!

Here you can buy the t-shirts me and my buddies are wearing. You will look so cool and rebellious. Yes, only in black. Are you in?

Do you skate? Yes you do! All millennials are super duper skaty sporty, they skate all the time, except when they are swinging. So we have a super duper different Lynk & Co branded board, black with white wheels. You can also get a matching bag and umbrella. Millennials don’t like to get wet, right? Bad for the hairdo!

This is the bar area. We have carrot juice, and lime juice, and orange juice, and apple juice. It comes in super duper cool tiny little bottles, because millennials are so modest, right? Remember our parents, how they gulped down these giant bottles of beer and coke? Yekkie!

This is our slide. Sadly you can’t play today. The show’s organizers thought it was too dangerous and had us close it down. Sorry about that. Shall I show you our cars now? There is a blue 02 over there. Oh. You want to buy a Volvo because it is the same car anyway, and effortlessly cool?


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  1. Good job of pointing out the dilemma in trying to be different within a mature industry. New technology aside, it’s still all about providing transportation. Love the LYNK skateboard, but I think I’ll wait for the Volvo version since I’m not so rebellious.

    • If they want to be different, maybe they shouldn’t call themselves Linkin’ Co.

      Just saying.

      What millenial would ever want to drive a Lincoln?



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