The Hawtai Baolige Patriotic Edition has been launched on the China auto market, price starts at 119.700 yuan and ends at 129.700 yuan. The Patriotic Edition is inspired by recent events concerning a few rocks that have soured the relationship between China and Japan quite a bit. Note backdrop with an island-like coastline.
The Patriotic Editionis dressed as the Chinese flag, same red color and five yellow stars. Around the rear wheel some classic-Chinese-drawing style waves that likely refer the to sea where all this bad is happening. Engines are the same as on the standard Baolige: 1.8 turbo patrol and a 2.0 turbodiesel for the rural areas of China.
Many in China are truly angry with Japan and have vowed to boycott Japanese products, including cars. Hawtai hopes to earn some money riding on this sentiment.
Via: Autohome.
IMO there is nothing patriotic in a car that looks like a melted copy of the Porsche Cayenne…