
Chinese Man In Homemade Porsche Stopped By Police

Police in the great southern city of Zhuhai stopped a 34-year old man in a homemade Porsche and fined him a hefty 4500 yuan...

Chinese man builds ‘Chinese Dream Helicopter’ for on the Road

A brilliant Chinese man from the great city of Zhengzhou in Henan Province has built a helicopter, for on the road. It took Yuan...

Chinese man builds electric car out of Wood

A Chinese man from the great city of Shenyang in Liaoning Province has made a wooden electric car, a sporty roadster styled pretty much...

Chinese farmer builds Tank

Farmer Li Guojun had a dream; he wanted to have his own tank. So he built one at home, and the result is impressive....

Chinese man builds mini aircraft carrier from scratch

An 80-year old man from the great city of Qingdao in Shandong Province in China has created a mini aircraft carrier from scratch, by...

Chinese man Builds Electric Powered mini Lamborghini

A grandfather from the great city of Zhengzhou in Henan Province in China built an electric powered mini Lamborghini for his grandson. He worked...

An inventive Double-Scooter car from China

A very inventive home-made vehicle seen in the great city of Shantou in Guangdong Province. The vehicle consist of two electric scooters welded together...

Beijing-Jeep Cherokee is a pickup truck in China

A very coolio Beijing-Jeep Cherokee pickup truck, seen in a kinda strange street in a faraway suburb in east Beijing. The vehicle looked fantastic...

Cleaning the Streets with a Tricycle, the Chinese Way

An indigenous and ingenious street-cleaning tricycle, seen in the great city of Kunming in Yunnan Province. The tricycle itself is bog standard, but painted...

Transporting recyclable materials, the Chinese Way

A motorized tricycle transporting recyclable materials, seen in the great city of Nanning in Guangxi Province. The tricycle is loaded far over the max...